New build is up!

New build is up!

For returning playtesters, please click 'Delete Save File' in the main menu before starting a new run. 
If there are still some issues, delete and restart the game (we are working on this weird one). 

What we have done: 

Refined some of the physics - some penises were too bouncy or disappeared into unknown universes (not ideal)

Worked through bucket multiplication - Runs felt too easy so we have done some balancing on this. Now there is more chance to be a degenerate and lose everything 

Bucket Bugs - we have worked through a number of bugs with the buckets. 

Prevented Missing cocks ending game - sometimes when a cock went missing the game would never end. This has been fixed 

Squad UI and Benching - we have been working on the squad UI in the shop. You are now able to bench misbehaving penises

What we will be doing: 

Our next big step is sound! (What should a falling penis sound like?)

Playing more with probabilities and level randomization. 

Refining UI Visuals

Files 42 MB
4 days ago

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